Rabu, 02 Agustus 2017

A Little Rest Between 2nd and 3rd Semester : Hunger Games Preparation.

Well, hello again!

Actually I decided to write more intense here. But I don't know what's going to happen next. Ehe.
For now, maybe I want to share about my experience for being a student of Indonesian Literature Departement, Faculty of Humanities, Airlangga University.
Two semesters has passed, and now I'm about to begin the 3rd semester. First of all, before the students enter the "new chapter" of their lecture, they have to input some courses that they want to take in the KRS. This may looks simple, but actually, it's the real beginning. Last semester's KRS-time totally felt like Hunger Games, especially when some of the students didn't get the class that they want. It felt like we saw the fallen tribute in Cornucopia, just right at the first hour when it began.

Tomorrow is my 2nd KRS time, and it's for my 3rd semester. The first-semester-students didn't need to input their KRS, because it's automatically handled by the administrator of the faculty. I've prepared the list of courses that I want to take and arranged my class schedule. Well, I totally hope there will be less fallen tribute tomorrow. And I also hope, I will get those courses that I want to take this semester.

And maybe, there's a question between all of you : why do I choose to use English now. Yea, it's because I want to improve my English too. And I also hoping for your corrections to help me improving my English, too.

Ok, I think that's all for now. I'll write again later.
C U~

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